
The Star Project is proud to be in partnership with Blackshaw Casting. A professional London Agent for children.

All SP students have the opportunity to audition for Blackshaws through The Star Project and gain a profile on Spotlight. If successful, children will then attend castings to gain professional work.

Our students have been extremely successful, most recently seeing Ben Lee go on tour with Nativity The Musical starring Danny Dyer and Malayka Ali book a Vodaphone Commercial.

We currently have students in the final rounds of other top West End Shows, attending castings and sending self tapes weekly!

Applications for Blackshaws must be made through our Director Jo. Please send an email to

This is only available to current SP Members

Join Waitlist We are currently fully booked on this class, but don't worry, we will get in touch if a place becomes available. Please leave your valid e-mail address below.
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