General Terms and Conditions

This is part of your agreement when joining The Star Project. Membership is open to all subject to the following conditions:

  • The Star Project accepts no responsibility for loss or damage of personal belongings while on the premises.
  • The Star Project accepts no liability for any injuries sustained whilst participating in a class or on the premises.
  • The Star Project Staff must be notified of any changes to the information provided on the Booking Form.


All staff, including cover teachers (who may be brought in at short notice), are qualified, experienced and DBS checked. Volunteer class assistants and trainees on placements are all DBS checked. There is always a first aider on site.

Supervision while on site: 

Students must ensure they always get full permission from staff prior to leaving class. Toilet breaks will be supervised by either a member of staff or class facilitator and students will always be supervised whilst on site.


Racist, sexist and other offensive language and behaviour is not tolerated, and we reserve the right to terminate membership without notice, the final decision being undertaken by the Board of Directors. Behaviour of staff, parents and students must always follow our code-of-conduct.

Please note that under no circumstances are pets allowed on school premises due to Health and Safety reasons.


Parents/carers will be invited to one class/performance per term. Parents/carers are not permitted to watch otherwise. (If a child is new or particularly unconfident, parents/carers may be allowed to sit in during the first ten minutes of one class at the Site Managers discretion), during the covid pandemic this must be prearranged with the director in writing. 

The Star Project provides costumes and props for shows where possible, but parents may be asked to provide basic accessories and basic costume if required. There is also a costume and show fee charged for performances this is usually between £15-£50 depending on how the big the project/theatre the performance will be at. 

Emergency contact number: 

The Star Project emergency mobile phone is kept with The Star Project Manager. The number will be given out upon registration and must only be used if there are problems regarding the collection of children. You can also send an email to and put in the subject URGENT CHILD IN CLASS.


Chewing gum/ fizzy drinks are strictly forbidden on the premises. No food is to be eaten outside if break times and unless in designated break areas.

Please bring a quick, non messy, light snack and drink (not lunch) with you.


This is basic but essential and gives the students a sense of belonging, a sense of ritual and sense of dressing for something important – their class. Appropriate clothing as below is necessary for health and safety and child protection:

Students must not wear their school uniform to any class – The Star Project is not a school and wearing the correct Star Project clothing gives a sense of belonging, allowing all to feel equal, healthy and safe.

  • All t-shirts, shoes and bags must be clearly labelled – lost property is donated to charity at the end of every term.
  • Strictly no jewellery – no earrings (earrings are very unsafe during physical activity).
  • Hair must be tied back from the face for all classes.
  • SECOND-HAND SHOES and CLOTHING for sale: there is often a good selection of second-hand clothing and shoes which can be bought from the [site manager] at a greatly reduced rate. This depends on availability.
  • DONATIONS OF DANCE CLOTHING: We welcome donations of dancewear that are in good condition and can be re-sold at a small price or lent to students. 

Required Uniform

  • Top: The Star Project top of your choice T-shirt or Vest must be worn by all students.
  • Bottom: Black Tracksuit bottoms or leggings must be worn. No jeans or trousers, skirts or dresses are to be worn to any class. we do have Star Project leggings and joggers available but these are optional. 
  • Shoes: Black soft plimsolls (like those worn for school gym lessons) or black jazz shoes are to be worn. Strictly no trainers, crocs or sandals are allowed. These must be worn with black socks.


Children must arrive and be collected promptly. It is very important that children arrive in time for their classes, preferably 5 minutes before the start ready for their allocated line up time. This allows the group time to settle from the moment the class starts. Latecomers will have to wait outside until an appropriate time to join the class. Children arriving after 15 minutes may be refused admission, as this may disrupt the professional attitude to classes we aim to foster.

Where possible The Star Project will aim to let people know of any changes in venue or class time at least one week ahead of schedule.


 If a child is collected late please see below the late collection charges that will be invoiced to you following the incident.

  • 5 + minutes-No charge 
  • 10 + minutes-£5
  • 20 + minutes – £15
  • 30 + minutes – £30
  • 45 + minutes – £40
  • 60 + minutes – £60

If a child is more than 1.5 hours late being collected charges will then double after the first hour. Social services will also be contacted to release the teacher of their duty as they may have children of their own they need to attend too.

Late collection charges are to cover the responsible adults time. 


Any child missing for more than three classes per term without reason may not be able to join future courses. Class numbers are limited, and many have long waiting lists, so good attendance and commitment to the course is essential.


Parents are not to allow their child to attend The Star Project if they are feeling unwell or have a known injury which would prevent a student from fully taking part.

This includes presenting any contagious illness including (but not limited to): Chicken Pox, Head Lice, Common Cold, Flu and, as of March 2020, symptoms of COVID-19. 

COVID-19: Parents are expected to follow government advice in relation to when to self-isolate. You must complete a health declaration form before attending The Star Project.

Child Collection:


Teachers must ensure that each child has left a session with an adult or older child (agreed in advance with parent). It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to ensure the child is collected punctually at the end of the class or session. Should a parent/guardian not turn up to collect a child on time – this is the procedure we follow:

  • Project manager will attempt to contact the parent/guardian
  • If the parent or guardian is not available, we will send a text message and email.
  • The child will be asked to contact the parent/guardian if they have a phone.
  • If the parent/guardian is not reachable, and the teacher is unable to remain at the session for the 1.5 hour late collection due to their own responsibilities the emergency procedure is as follows:
    • Leave a message with the parent and contact the entire Star Project Management Team with all the information. Wait until another member of the team can arrive.
    • If the parent/guardian is not reachable and there is no adult available, the team member must then take further advice from the police and/or social services. This could result in the child being taken to the nearest police station. If this happened we would inform the police of all contact details.
    • Leave a message for the parent/guardian to say where the child will be.


The Star Project does not provide drop-in classes for children and young people on all term time courses. All courses must be booked in advance. New students may join courses during the term subject to availability and authorisation of the The Star Project management team. If there are no spaces on a requested course when booking, then we will aim to provide an alternative option where possible.

Waiting List:

Members on the waiting list will be contacted in order of the list. A message will be left if possible but the next member will be contacted and the first to make contact and enrol will receive the place.

Priority Booking:

A priority booking period for current students will take place for two weeks before general booking opens. Those wishing to continue should register during the priority booking period to secure their places in the next term’s courses. If any current students have not registered during this time, one attempt to make contact will be made to determine whether the student is continuing before offering the place to someone else.

Placement Priority on Courses:

  • Current Students continuing in same course
  • Current students changing courses and additional courses
  • Siblings of current students
  • Waiting lists of new students


Full payment must be received in advance to confirm a place.

For all current students, courses must be registered in advance. Payment can be made up until the last day of the previous term to guarantee the place. If payment for registered places is not received by this time and the TSP office hasn’t been contacted in advance, then the place will be offered to another student using the priority listed above.


Failure to make payment before term starts may result in no place being available. If this happens The Star Project will make every attempt to offer an alternative project or arrangement. If this is not possible then your name will be added to a waiting list.

If payment is outstanding, The Star Project reserves the right to withhold services. Every attempt will be made not to discuss monies owed with children, although in extreme circumstances (especially when children arrive without supervision) children may be turned away.

TSP may share data with debt collection agencies in order to re-coup monies owed.

Additional Fees

It is important to us that you are upfront with the financial cost and commitment of your child being enrolled at The Star Project. Aside from your usual termly fees the only other costs to consider are your child’s Star Project T-shirt (£15) and (during show terms only) your child’s show fee. This is usually between £15-£50 depending on the project. We always keep this fee to an absolute minimum to cover your child’s additional costs and give advanced warning.

For workshop weeks additional costs include £5pp tickets costs and £10pp for your welcome goodie bag which includes your child’s workshop t-shirt. These are paid separately on the workshop week.

Show Fee

Shows fees usually include your child’s costume, chaperone fee, performance licence, time in the theatre or on set on performance or filming days, plus other specific extras relating to their project. As a company this fee is charged to cover all additions costs relating to that project and opportunity.


If The Star Project cannot deliver classes due to force majeure or government directive, we shall implement online classes via video conferencing software as a replacement. No refunds will be offered. 

If a child or household member is told to self-isolate by NHS Track and Trace (or equivalent service) classes will be provided to the student via video conferencing software. If the student is unwell and cannot take part, this will be classed as missed sessions and as per the below, no refund will be made.


The Star Project cannot offer a refund if you do not attend courses or if a child decides they do not want to attend further. The free trial is in place to give the opportunity to try out the session however then commitment is required to secure a place.  A full refund will be given if the chosen workshop date/course is fully booked on receipt of payment. 

If a payment is made by BACs or PayPal, The Star Project reserve the right to make a £10 charge (taken from the original payment and consequently refund amount) to cover PayPal charges and administration costs.

Covid-19 Policy

Last updated on 10/10/20

Here at The Star Project we would like to reassure our customers that we are taking every step we can to create a safe space with mitigated risk for our restart. Thank you for putting your trust in us and choosing SP as a safe place for your child to train in The Performing Arts. We have spent much time gathering the very best information we can to make our restart plans in line with government guidelines.

IMPORTANT: Please read this policy and then complete the Covid Safe Declaration Form to agree you have understood the policy HERE.

What date do our classes begin?

We will resume face to face classes with our new Covid -19 safe measures on the following dates:

  • Cofton Hackett: Tuesday 1st September
  • Lickey: Thursday 3rd September
  • Droitwich: Saturday 5th September
  • Barnt Green: Thursday 1st November (Rising Stars only)

This policy covers 3 sections:

  • THE STAR PROJECT SAFETY MEASURES: How we will keep everyone safe
  • THE PARENT AND STUDENT CODE OF CONDUCT: What you are responsible for
  • THE STAFF CODE OF CONDUCT: What we expect from our team members

The Star Project Safety Measures: How we will keep everyone safe:

  • Good ventilation throughout the building with windows and doors open wherever possible and clean air circulating
  • Masks for everyone in the building upon arrival and departure until in their safe spots and class begins. Masks are not required for class.
  • Allocated performance spots for each child with a 1m plus distance to aid social distancing.
  • Smaller groups of 15 per class
  • One way rotation so age groups do not mix and separate entry and exit points
  • Separate break areas so groups do not mix
  • Set toilet break times to encourage students not to mix with other groups, students of course allowed to go outside of these times if needed and extra cleaning will be done.
  • Electronic sign in by the project manager so that parents are not sharing pens.
  • Verbal questionnaire upon arrival and temperature check.
  • Adapted singing lessons in line with government guidelines
  • Facing out for all lessons so not facing each other.
  • Signage upon arrival and throughout the venue to encourage social distancing and one way traffic flow.
  • Social distance line up spots for arrival.
  • Each student will have a designated space for their personal belongings and to take their break.
  • We have carried out a COVID-19 risk assessment for each venue and shared these with their management.
  • Safeguarding Procedures have been clearly outlined to all staff and training has taken place
  • All staff have completed a Covid Safe Course. Certificates are available to view HERE
  •  We have cleaning stations where staff and students can sanitise their hands upon entry and exit at each studio space. Each team member will have a cleaning pack within their space and has been trained on how to clean their area between and during sessions.
  • Full information collected upon enrollment on every child that attends in order to aid track and trace.
  • Where people cannot keep 2m apart we have ensured at least a 1m distance and taken all the mitigating actions possible to manage transmission risk such as ensuring good ventilation, all students to face forwards during class. Use of chairs where possible for some activities to keep students more stationary.

Parent and Student Code of Conduct

  • The Star Project believes that it is important for teacher/parent/student to work together to keep everyone safe. We have outlined what we require from our customers and students at The Star Project below and thank you for supporting each us:

Your Responsibilities:

  • To complete the Covid Safe Declaration HERE
  • To ensure your child arrives at the session with only one adult. CONSENT TO ARRIVE ALONE: This term we are offering a consent for your child to arrive alone to support social distancing and reduce traffic. If you wish for your child to sign themselves in to enable a quick drop off and you feel confident that your child can be trusted to do this safely please complete the NO GUARDIAN ENTRY FORM HERE before their first session. If a child arrives at the session alone and this form has not been completed, they will be not be able to enter. This is NOT available for Rising Stars. Please also note until the child is in our care they remain your full responsibility.
  • To socially distance whilst waiting at drop off and pick up areas.
  • To arrive only at your allotted times for drop off and pick up to avoid unnecessary congestion. Timing changes will be sent to you before the session starts.
  • To be aware of any venue changes
  • Please keep questions where possible to email or phone prior or after the session to help us reduce traffic at the drop off desk. or 07805161533.
  • To send your child with a small mess free snack and drink that must not be shared.
  • To notify us if anyone of our students or anyone in your family is displaying symptoms of COVID-19 and ensure that you do not send your child to our setting if this is the case.
  • To contact the NHS if your child or anyone in your family is showing symptoms so that the track and trace system can be put in place and that we can notify any students within the same group to isolate.
  • To practice good hygiene, i.e. washing hands/using antibacterial hand gel before entering the setting and all other guides set out by the NHS. Please send your child with their own pocket hand sanitizer.
  • Avoid public transport where possible, please do your best to arrive by your own private means of transport or by walking where possible.
  • To avoid entering our setting unless enrolled and we are expecting you


In addition to the guidance above followed and understood by our team please see an outline of staff expectations.

  • Staff have been trained in The Star Project Covid Safe Policy
  • Staff have all signed a declaration after reading and being trained in this policy
  • Staff have all completed a separate COVID AWARENESS course at CPD ONLINE COLLEGE. Certificates can be viewed HERE
  • Staff are all responsible for their own cleaning station and have access to this in their studio or room.
  • Staff are all DBS checked and skilled professionals in their field
  • Staff have all read The Star Project Safeguarding Policy.
  • Each staff member wears Star Project Uniform and a name badge, so they are easily recognisable at all times.
  • There is at least one first aid trained individual at every project
Join Waitlist We are currently fully booked on this class, but don't worry, we will get in touch if a place becomes available. Please leave your valid e-mail address below.
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